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Disney+ Toggle Feature


Innovating the Movie Selection Process with Custom Toggles

Skills Demonstrated: UX Research, UI, Motion Design, Prototyping


Re-design Challenge

"Think outside the box
to innovate an existing user experience."

The Project

Re-designing the current movie selection flow in the Disney Plus app.


3 Weeks


My Role

UX/UI Designer, Researcher,

Motion Designer


I created a
Custom Disney Toggle.

The Problem 

Disney+'s current process of filtering movies & shows is unsatisfactory and impersonal, forcing users to spend ages sorting through large volumes of data  

The Solution  

I designed and introduced a custom toggle feature to optimize search functionality, providing users with a more efficient and innovative way of 'filtering', so that they can receive search results set to their unique preferences.

01 employing empathy

Research: Surveying a Pool of Disney+ Users

For this re-design challenge, I studied how users currently go about selecting movies & shows to watch on the Disney+ mobile app. ​To better understand this, I conducted an unmoderated usability survey where the user's interact with the app's pre-existing flow for filtering selections.

The Findings

I sent an unmoderated survey to 8 participants, tasking them to use Disney+'s current way of filtering movies & shows.

The survey findings revealed that:

Preliminary User Feedback

6 out of 8

had trouble "finding shows or movies that interested them right away"


said they would like "better filter options"


was the average time a user spent finding a show/movie they wanted to watch

4.6 out of 10

the calculated average satisfactory rate with the current filtering/selection process

Disney Plus' Current Flow









I wish I could multi-select a bunch of
these categories.





I actually have never used the filter feature
I usually just use the search bar to directly find what I want. 

02 defining the solution

The (Re)Design Solution


To improve upon the selection process, I came up with introducing filter toggles, so that a user may, more easily and efficiently, multi-select the content that is of unique interest to them.

03 ideating & brainstorming

Sketches & Wireframes

04 building the prototype

Creating an Interactible Element

Using Figma, I designed & prototyped this custom toggle component.

View the
Hi-fidelity Prototype

The application of this custom toggle reinforces the fun and spirit of the Disney brand, even in a mobile setting. 

Untitled_Artwork 43.png
Untitled_Artwork 43.png



Finding 'what to watch' becomes 
more efficient and 

tailored to you 

Untitled_Artwork 43.png

Multi-select as many
categories that interest you



View a unique filtered selection
of movies & shows



This custom Disney-themed toggle provides both entertainment and efficiency factors

Re-Design Highlights

MVP= Filtering the Movie/Show Selection

  • Select Multiple Categories

  • Save Set Filters

  • User Curated Selection

  • Improved Results based on Unique Interest 

  • User Customization & Personalization

  • Faster & More Efficient Search Ability 

  • Entertaining On-brand Toggle

My Skills at Play

UX/UI Product Design 

  • applying the 'design thinking' processes

  • identifying user problems & pain points

  • conducting research & testing and applying insights

  • providing creative iterative design solutions

  • evolving lof-fi to hi-fi wireframing & prototyping

Motion Design

  • building a custom toggle button

  • applying skills learned from animation classes

  • learning new Figma prototyping elements

05 testing the product

The Product Usability Test

An unmoderated usability study with 12 participants testing the newly designed filtering flow concluded that: 

Outcomes and Learnings

With this project, I was able to understand and dissect a current problematic user flow in the mobile application of Disney+ and evolve upon it — turning negative user insights into positive design solutions.


I introduced personalization by contributing a new on-brand interactive element of 'fun' and 'entertainment' while maintaining user efficiency and improving upon an existing experience.

Continuing to develop my product design abilities, this project allowed me to exhibit my design thinking knowledge whilst showcasing my expansive creative skills in a variety of design mediums, including motion design.

11 out of 12

said they were
with the new process
of filtering


agreed they
would use
this new


the new 
average time
spent finding a movie
of interest to them

out of 10

new average 
satisfactory rate 
with the
updated process

View another Toggle Prototype 

Hertz Toggle

Hertz Car Rentals


*proposed toggle design

Phew! You made it!
Let's take it from the top!

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